Composition of modules

One should avoid circumvention of the layers. Portal functionality to be implemented as a number of services, each of which provides a well-defined functionality available to the rest Going Here of the portal. Efforts recharge api free should be made to the functionality behind a service defined by business logic rather than technical functionality, using criteria such as recycling, simplicity, understandability, flexibility, scalability and central administration.
An architecture must allow for dividing various services included in each layer f. Ex targeting data layer, business services and presentation. CHC portal must be based on standards de jure or de facto.

Open standards in all areas

The latter in the form of one or more standard products that are both widespread in the market and partly supported by multiple vendors. These standard products are allowed to be among idea cellular recharge the widely used open-source products. In general, the solution must be built up using where this is possible.
For the sake recharge api free of robustness to changes in working practices and processes are separated as far as possible generic model concepts from healthcare concepts. The architecture must facile re seamless and components. The architecture must enable/ support various input and output devices.
Architecture motivates user-friendly functionality. Portal shall have uniform semantics apply to interfaces, functionality, etc. For concepts related to the clinical process used BEHR.
Exceptions are interfaces to external systems where BEHR not established. Mapping is performed here so close to the cut surface as possible. Both recharge api free the internal and external interfaces in CHC portal should idea cellular recharge be based on widely used standards BEHR, MEDCOM, CEN, HL, WC.
The use of vendor and product independent message formats should be used wherever possible. Each service functionality must be described in easily understandable form. You should be able to get services from other systems based on authorizations extensive role, personal identity and information part.
Solution must meet the relevant legislation including consent. Access must be flexible so in future either can base all communication through the health portal see Or you can use other external and internal services. Integration of public health portal.

Principles of recharge api free

Integration of feeding systems. The portal interface to the feed systems to be built up for principles, allowing rapid recharge api free replacement of feed systems as they wanted food systems become available. This requires that any integration of food systems is through an integration broker, and that communication between the portal and integration broker is handled as XML-based communication possible.
Using Web services. To interface with feed systems built so that it abides by BEHR, and as far idea cellular recharge as possible is semantically compatible with BEHR. Recommendation.: Verify and implement the architectural requirements. Technology trends are widely Discover More recognized forces or changes of direction in IT industry, not only in relation to health care, but in a general perspective.